Episcopal Conference of Malawi




By: Fr Edward Kamanga

His Lordship Martin A. Mtumbuka of the Catholic Diocese of Karonga in Malawi on 27th November 2022 First Sunday of Advent celebrated Mass at the Newly opened Mt. Sinai Catechetical School at what used to be called St Mathias Parish Centre. This is a school where all Catechists in the Diocese will be trained and Certified for a period of 12 Months.

At the Mass which he celebrated for the first cohort of 16 Catechists, the bishop explained that he has named the place Mt. Sinai (Exodus 34:29-35)where Prophet Moses went to receive the Laws and as a result his face changed as he came down the mountains. This should reflect in the lives of everyone who comes to learn at this Centre, that as they go down, they should be changed people. The bishop decried the double-faced tendency of some Christians who after receiving Sacraments, Training and so many Spiritual exercises, yet they become experts more in other bad things than the Holy things they daily receive and touch in the Church. Some are essentially pagans when they are out there and pretend to be Holy within Church premises.

The bishop, reminded the people that they are on an earthly journey. He gave a traditional meaning of the altar, as the table of those on a journey, and that the food which is saved there is the food for those on an earthly journey.
Echoing the message of the First Sunday of Advent; “Maranatha(Come Lord Jesus), the Bishop urged people even amidst these difficulties and chronic problems, to look up to Jesus Christ the truth, the life and the only way.

During the Mass, the bishop said that the training at the Catechetical institute will be intensive. ONLY those Catechists who pass through the narrow door which he will set, those proven to be hardworking,will be the ones certified to be Catechists.
The bishop made alot of directives which he said will be announced and known fully the following week at 12th Thanksgiving Mass. The bishop implored the Director of the Catechetical Institute Fr Edward Kamanga to work hard in forming the Catechists. He made Fr Kamanga in-charge of All the temporal goods of the Church at the institution. The bishop is determined to transform the place and make it a conducive environment for Facilitators and all those who will go there for trainings. He thanked Fr Joseph Mkinga the Parish Priest and the Christians for the services rendered.

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