Episcopal Conference of Malawi




Fr. Clifford
YCW Leaders Jointly Plant a tree
By Flora Katsabola

The Young Christian Workers (YCW) in the Archdiocese of Blantyre, last week took time off their busy schedule to plant over 1000 trees in Phalombe.

The exercise took place at Phalombe Parish where close to 100 YCW members, parishioners at Phalombe Parish and the clergy participated in the exercise.

YCW sourced the trees from its members and on this day members who participated came from Mulanje, Blantyre and Phalombe districts which form part of Blantyre Archdiocese.

Youth Chaplain for the Archdiocese, Fr Frank Mwinganyama commended YCW for being in the forefront planting trees.

He said this is in line with Pope Francis’ Encyclical ‘Laudato Si’ that said we must take part in conserving the environment.

Speaking on behalf of the youths, Vice President of YCW Blantyre Archdiocese George Baluti said the tree planting activity is an annual event and this year they chose Phalombe Parish as they want to ensure that each of the eight districts which make up the Archdiocese of Blantyre is well conserved and protected.

“I would like to thank all members for positively responding to the plea from the executive to buy the tree seedlings. We have planted over 1000 seedlings today. It is our hope that these trees will help secure the environment here in Phalombe and that the community here will take care of them,” said Baluti.

Parish Priest for Phalombe Parish, Fr Clifford Chiwanda highlighted that the trees that have surrounded Phalombe Parish were planted a long time ago by the White Missionaries and the gesture by YCW members was a welcome development.

“I am impressed with the turnout of YCW members and we are thankful that we were considered to be a beneficially this year.” said Fr Chiwanda who promised that as a Parish, they will look after the trees.

YCW is a youth movement within the Catholic Church. Each year YCW plants trees as the movement’s contribution to the preservation and conservation of the environment. In February, 2016, YCW planted over 2000 trees at Soche Hill in Chilobwe, Blantyre.

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