Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Archbishop Ziyaye Commissions over 70 lay Catholics to prepare for AMECEA summit

Archbishop Ziyaye Commissions over 70 lay Catholics to prepare for AMECEA summit

By Levi Chirwa,Contributor

Archbishop ZiyayeHis Grace Archbishop Tarcisius Ziyaye on Sunday 16th March, commissioned more that 75 lay Catholics from the Archdiocese of Lilongwe to help in the preparation of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences of Eastern and Central Africa (AMECEA) summit.

The summit which will attract over 300 delegates including Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops from the AMECEA region will be held in Malawi from 14th to 26th July, 2014 in Lilongwe.

Speaking at the meeting of the lay faithful who have been nominated from their respective parishes on account of their various expertise and gifts, Archbishop Ziyaye expressed content by the overwhelming response evidenced by the large number present. “Although the notices were sent late, but your coming in large numbers confirms your love for the church, and this gives me great confidence that the AMECEA meeting will be a success.” said Ziyaye.

Ziyaye further assured the members present that “Hard work in the church is the perfection of our being, as such the time that you continue to dedicate to church activities is not in vain, you will be rewarded.”

The newly commissioned lay Catholics will join more than 20 others who have been actively involved in the preliminary preparation of the AMECEA summit since 2012 especially regarding fundraising and publicity.

Those newly commissioned have been placed in various subcommittees which include food, publicity, accommodation, security, health and protocol.

In his earlier communication to the laity through a circular letter, Archbishop Ziyaye also called on those willing to work as volunteers to register with his office since the huge numbers of delegates will need different types of assistance.

The meeting chaired by Peter Kulemeka who is the national organizing committee chairperson, was also briefed on the status of preparations this far and the status of funds raised.

It also learnt that on 26th April, 2014, there will be renewal of wedding vows by three couples as part of fundraising activities. There will be a Eucharistic celebration at St. Patrick’s Parish in Area 18, followed by a reception at Bingu International Conference Centre.

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