Episcopal Conference of Malawi




Countries in the Umbrella body of Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA) will on Saturday, the 19th of August 2023, launch the Golden Jubilee of 50 years of Small Christian Communities in the region.

The Regional Launch of the commemoration of the Golden Jubilee will take place in Malawi in the Diocese of Dedza at St. Peter Claver Nsipe Parish. Announcing the jubilee, the Episcopal Conference of Malawi said the commemoration aims at highlighting four fundamental characteristics of Small Christian Communities namely, Bible-Centered, Community or Communion of the people, having outreach to the people and promotion of the principle of subsidiarity.

Speaking on the preparations for the jubilee by the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) as the hosting Conference, Rev Fr. Joseph Sikwese, who is the National Pastoral Coordinator for ECM said all is set for the big day and hopes that delegates coming from other countries in the AMECEA region will enjoy their experience with the Church in Malawi.

“The preparations have gone on well, we encountered some challenges but we managed to overcome them. We are expecting delegates from Zambia, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan and Uganda to arrive this afternoon.  The guest of honor who is the Bishop Chairman for Pastoral at AMECEA, Rt. Rev. Rogath Kimaryo will arrive this morning”. Said Fr. Sikwese

The Jubilee Mass will be led by Archbishop George Desmond Tambala and at the end, there will be commissioning of delegates from the AMECEA by bishop Kimaryo so that they go and open the commemoration of the golden jubilee in their dioceses. Archbishop Tambala will commission all Pastoral Coordinators in Malawi to go and open the Golden jubilee in their dioceses and the Local ordinary Bishop Chifukwa of Dedza diocese will commission Parish Priests, Religious and the Laity to go and open the Golden Jubilee in their parishes.

“We encourage Small Christian Communities to Reflect and evaluate on their life for the past 50 years, what are the challenges they have faced and how to improve them going forward. In addition to that, we have also organized seminars at national and diocesan level to train priests and leaders on how to lead Small Christian Communities and make them vibrant”. Said the Pastoral Coordinator

Fr. Sikwese also encouraged all Catholics to take participation in Small Christian Communities seriously saying every Christian by baptism has the duty and responsibility to participate actively in the life and Mission of the Church which is evangelization. “All of us Christians are evangelizers through various ways like preaching the Word of God and helping those who are suffering.  For AMECEA region, the best way a Christian can participate in the life of the Church is through participation in Small Christian Communities. This is where you can easily know those who are suffering in your neighborhood and help them.” Said he said

Bishops in AMECEA region adopted Small Christian Communities as a way of the Church in the region during their 5th Plenary Assembly which was held in Kenya Nairobi in December 1973. This was because they envisioned building a truly local Church by promoting communion and the participation of all the faithful in the life and mission of the Church.


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