Episcopal Conference of Malawi


AMECEA Organizing Committee organizes Valentine’s Ball

AMECEA Organizing Committee organizes Valentine’s Ball

Saulos Chilima PixAs one way of raising funds ahead of the 18th plenary for the Associaciation of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA) the main organizing committee which is under the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) has organized a Valentines Ball scheduled for February 14.

The Chairperson for the Publicity Sub-Committee, Saulos Chilima said a number of activities including a live band, Dinner and raffle draws has been organized to spice up the event.

“We would like to take this advantage that as people celebrates Valentine’s Day with their loved ones they should as well as contribute to the AMECEA plenary ahead of us. We have actually invited Mibawa Band to spice up the event and we hope people will enjoy it,” said Chilima

According to Chilima, the event will take place at President’s Hotel in Lilongwe and people of good will from all over the country are welcomed.
Chilima said people of good will are therefore encouraged to buy tickets at K30, 000 (Double) and K15, 000 (Single).

“We expect at least 300 people to participate to the event. However, even those that cannot manage to buy a ticket are as well as encouraged to contribute what they have as we welcome any contribution from well wishers, “he said

Meanwhile, Chilima says preparations for the Valentine Ball are at an advanced stage as all the bookings have been made.

He commended individuals and people of good will who have already started supporting the event by among others sponsoring the advertisement of the event and many other pledges toward supporting the event.

Chilima however said the event is not only for lovers but all people of good will because the day is also celebrated as a feast of Saint Valentino hence all are welcomed.

Apart from the Valentines Ball, the AMECEA organizing Committee also had a Dinner and Dance, Gospel Bash and Braii fundraising activities which were all held in Lilongwe. Catholic Christians in the country were also asked to contribute a minimum of K50 towards the plenary.

Over 150 Bishops plus some Cardinals from the Eastern region of Africa and representatives from the Vatican and other Catholic dignitaries are expected to participate to the plenary.

This will be the 18th AMECEA Plenary Assembly that will be hosted by the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, in Lilongwe from the 16th to 26 July 2014.
The Theme of the forthcoming AMECEA Conference is: “New Evangelization through true Conversion and witnessing to Christian Faith”.

AMECEA BishopsAMECEA is the acronym for Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa and there are eight member countries namely; Ethiopia, Eretria, Kenya, Malawi, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia

Through AMECEA Plenary Assemblies Bishops seek to inspire and empower God’s family to be a credible and prophetic witness to Christ.
Plenary Assemblies takes place every three years and this will be the third time for Malawi to host the AMECEA Plenary Assembly.

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