Episcopal Conference of Malawi


Accident claims lives of two Sacramentine Nuns, One injured

Accident claims lives of two Sacramentine Nuns, One injured




DSCN6889Two Nuns of the Sacramentine Sisters Congregation from Ntcheu Parish have died while one other is critically injured after the vehicle they were traveling in from Ntcheu to Lilongwe experienced a head on collision with a Minbus traveling from the opposite side.

A visit by this reporter to the scene revealed that the incident occurred between the nun’s vehicle registration number NU NU5942 and a Minbus registration number SA7720 collided and experienced a head on at six miles,near Bunda Turn Off in Lilongwe.DSCN6888

The deceased nuns have been identified as Sister Magreta Raveli aged 65 and Sister Anna Marie Kwidoti,68.They are all Italians.

Meanwhile,Archbishop Tarcisious Ziyaye of Lilongwe Archdiocese who saw off the departure of the remains of the two Sisters from Lilongwe Central Hospital to Ntcheu where they will be buried,expressed shock for the sudden death of the two nuns.

According to a Sister Florence of the same Congregation in Ntcheu,burial ceremony of the two nuns will take place on Saturday at Ntcheu Catholic Parish.

Police says they are still investing the matter but unconfirmed reports indicate that three people that include the Driver, Conductor and one passenger died from the Minbus.DSCN6887

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